Progress Not Perfection

Lent offers us a journey more than it does a destination.  It is a necessary passage that forms us to become a people of resurrection.  In this season of Lent we may take inventory of how well we are living as Jesus taught us to live.  It Is easy to be hard on oneself for not getting things “right,” or for experiencing setbacks.  The goal of spiritual growth and healing, however, is Progress Not Perfection.

Keeping focused on progress reminds us that one step at a time in the right direction is enough.  We make mistakes.  We are human.  Yet we also are capable to make some improvement in our lives, however small it may be.  With a Progress Not Perfection mindset we center on forward motion rather than unrealistic ideals.  This gives us the encouragement we need to keep going. 

Concentrating on Progress Not Perfection may also help us to release fear.  Perhaps we have fallen and need the courage to get up and start over.  If we let go of the notion of perfect, we can become ready to begin again.

During Lent let us commit to practicing Progress Not Perfection.  Experience what a difference it can make.

“I may not recognize it right now, but I have made progress, and I continue to make progress with every step I take.”Courage to Change, p. 292

May you be inspired!

NOTE:  This reflection is part of a series entitled “Wisdom Mantras for the Lenten Journey,” initially published by Tau Center.  You can view the entire Lenten reflection series here: Still Point.

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