Let Go and Let God

Holy Week brings the Lenten journey to an inevitable point of surrender and sorrow.  Whether a part of our lives is on the cross or we are witnessing death unfolding, the powerlessness of the human experience is evident.  In moments of such awareness we may find some relief by intentionally releasing our heartache to a Higher Power.  Let Go and Let God is helpful in reminding us that all is not within our control and we are not alone.

Jesus, as would any of us, begged God to take away his suffering.  Ultimately he gave up resistance and allowed Grace to take its course. You might say he Let Go and Let God.  Acceptance of such unimaginable pain revealed a path toward new life.

During Holy Week let us try to Let Go and Let God.  Experience what a difference it can make.

“When I can finally persuade myself to let go of a problem that has been tormenting me, solutions begin to unfold that I never dreamed were possible.”  — One Day at A Time in Al-Anon, p. 107

May you be inspired! 

NOTE:  This reflection is part of a series entitled “Wisdom Mantras for the Lenten Journey,” initially published by Tau Center.  You can view the entire Lenten reflection series here: Still Point.

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