Beauty for Ashes 

We’ve heard such stories as these from those who have received beauty for their ashes:

I had no idea I’d be called to grief counseling one day… 

and that what would qualify me was having endured sudden, tragic loss. 


I had no idea I’d be called to marriage ministry one day… 

and that what would qualify me was having encountered desperate heartache over my spouse’s infidelity. 


I had no idea I’d be called to work with disabled children one day… 

and that what would qualify me was having birthed a child born with a handicap. 


I had no idea I’d be called to work with victims of domestic violence one day… 

and that what would qualify me was having survived an abusive relationship. 


I had no idea I’d be called to serve families of addicts… 

and that what would qualify me was having witnessed a loved one’s deterioration through addiction. 


I had no idea I’d be called to adopt amazing children… 

and that what would qualify me was having faced the sorrow of infertility. 


I had no idea I’d be called to be a psychotherapist… 

and that what would qualify me was having suffered depression and anxiety for years. 


I had no idea I’d be called to advocate for the marginalized… 

and that what would qualify me was having been raised in poverty. 


Fill in the blanks. 

I had no idea I’d be called to… 

and that what would qualify me was having… 


What is your story? 

How has your darkest hour been transformed into grace that blesses others? 


May you be inspired!

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